
when darkness turns to light, it ends tonight. it ends tonight.

Friday, July 21, 2006

the voice.

everyone has this little voice in their head.
some say its their consience.
some sat its their sub-consciousness.
some say its god's voice.

me, i dont know.
but boy oh boy.
the little voice in mine keeps talking to me.
anywhere, anytime. everywhere, everytime.

i thought i'd introduce it to everyone, considering the times when it consoles me, confronts me, encourages me, talks crap wtith me and bickers with me.
we always bicker.

i'll give you guys a sneek peak on how some of our conversations are like.

lets call it the voice.

i thought. maybe its something living in the nooks and crannies of my brain.
hmm. maybe its an imp. or a elf. or a fairy.
i think. its a snowman.
yes, a snowman.

voice: hey hey. who said i was a snowman. siao. crazy. insane. lunatic. kuku.
me: what?!?! snowman nice what. i like.
voice: can you like make me something more fearsome? like a dragon. or...or...or a vampire. like count dracula. so i can say i suck the blood out of your brain thats why you're so dumb.
me: -_-" fine. you want vampire right? ok. i make you a vampire snowman.

voice: you're mad.
me: no i'm not. who calls the shots here huh? me or you? me. i call the shots here.
voice: yea right. then how come you listen to me all the time??
me: shut up! dont embarrass me in front of people ok.
voice: i'm not.
me: yes you are.
voice: no i'm not.
me: yes you are you stupid vampire snowman.
voice: i am NOT a stupid vampire snowman.
me: yea yea whatever. you can go around telling people "i am count snowman."
voice: OI. !@#$%^&*()

haha. ok. i think i'm going mad.
hmm. my prelims start on 29th august. which is in six weeks time.
shit man.
i need to STUDY!
i'm going changi airport to study tomorrow morning.
that is, if i wake up.
dammed body clock.


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