
when darkness turns to light, it ends tonight. it ends tonight.

Friday, April 14, 2006

videos again =)


i am so in love with two songs.
first it was dani california.
it was on repeat track on my mp3 for like a week. i listened to it a thousand times. but i'm still not sick of the song.

then came along coming undone.
"i'm coming undone to late i'm coming undone...."
like. it really makes you wanna shake your head back and forth.

dont get me wrong. i'm still not sick of dani california. the bass for that song is hard. but i'm learning it. coming undone is a song that makes me unstressed when i'm stressed. it makes your heartrate increase like by a thousand times and gives your brain an adrenaline rush. thats a true rock song.

and as for the hardest part, i saw it on mtv yesterday.
i was speechless.
like. a young guy and a little granny dancing around in skin coloured tights with black underwear on the outside.

come to think about it. its some what like superman. i mean the underwear part. its just that his underwear is red.

oh. and the underwear. like what the hell were they thinking?? black gstring and black only-god-knows-what-that-is?!?!?!

its good friday today. 14042006. it was on this day 1973 days ago that christ was crucified. yes. the son of god that loves you, me and every single one of you out there. yup.

i'm gonna get ready to go to church now. there's a prayer meeting later at seven.



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