
when darkness turns to light, it ends tonight. it ends tonight.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

two things you do not say to a cock.
1. fuck fuck fuck.
2. kukooo.


queen latifah(the maid) spotted a male chicken outside our gate.
she went "girl girl! come. got kok kok keh outside!"
i went into my brother's room and looked outside the window.
true enough, there was a mle chicken parading outside our main gate. (ok fine. laugh. i do not know how to spell cockeral/male chicken)
it was pacing. like walking back and forth. and it walked like a pigeon. except that its much bigger.

so we went out to get it.
bla bla bla, then we were outside.
it perched itself on a pot after i opened the gate. so i went puck puck puck puck(i was trying to call it. you know. animal speak -_-")

queen latifah: oy! what fuck fuck fuck. of course it dont go to you la.

so i kept quiet.
then she tried calling it.

queen latifah: ku ku kooo.
me: walau. you worse right. i say fuck fuck fuck you say ku ku ku.

technically, when you're faced with a cock(and since the 'you' here is me, a girl), fuck fuck fuck may still seem ok. but unless its a gay cock, it definately wont be attracted to a kuku.


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