
when darkness turns to light, it ends tonight. it ends tonight.

Friday, March 24, 2006

ok. first, i'm in a real dilema. like. tomorrow, i've got three things going on, that clashes altogether.

1. i've arranged with xiao ting to watch big momma's house before service. if i cancel this, it'll be like the 98597592149256-th time i've stood her up cancelled an appointment with her

2. my mum wants to take me to ikea. i've been bugging her to bring me there ever since the sale started and now, when she's finally free to take me to ikea, i'm stuck in this.

3. zann asked me to accompany her to some sec one's birthday party from 10am-3pm. i dont know that sec one at all but zann said he's in drama. o.O?? how come i've never seen him before? and i know assume nobdy else would even bother to accompany zann there.

and i've evaluated my options.

1 & 2. if i go with my mum in the morning and rush over after lunch for the movie with xiao ting, i'd be leaving zann to go to the party alone. plus she told me i rocked and promised not to bite me anymore when i told her i'd go with her. so this option is invalid.

1 & 3. if i go with zann in the morning and catch the one something show, i would not get to go to ikea. and the sale ends on sunday. and i'm not free on sunday. and i really really really want to go to ikea. plus, i want to cherish and spend whatever time i have left with my mum. i dont know when either of us would be called to meet our maker.

2 & 3. if i go with my mum in the morning and meet zann after lunch, i'll be postponing our appointment for the 98343824676-th time. and i really cherish xiao ting because she's always there for me. like. whenever i ask her out, she's free. and sometimes even though i'm the one to ask her out, i'll be really late or not show up at all(obviously i'd let her know i wont be going. but on really really really short notice). but sad to say, whenever she asks me out, most of the time, i'm not free.

and there. i told zann i'll go with the third option. but. i really dont want to postpone our movie date with xiao ting.

but if i do, we'll save money. like i'll postpone it to a weekday. and i'll promise i'll pay for her nachos/hotdog/cookie and drink.



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